International Standardization

Countries all over the world cooperate and address fire prevention policy through studies that promote a unified international standard for fire prevention equipment technology standards and testing methods.
In 1979, Japan joined the ISO/TC21 international standards for fire prevention equipment, and established a committee for domestic policy that was reorganized as the Japan Committee for ISO/T21 in 1987.
Consequently, the JFEII carries out activities that actively fulfill an international role and responsibility including equipping facilities for conducting tests concerning international standards for fire prevention equipment, conducting research and testing needed to formulate international standards, as well as participating in international meetings.

1 ISO meetings

Since 1979, JFEII has seated representatives at ISO meetings and has participated in a series discussions with representatives from other countries concerning international standards. ISO meetings
An ISO meetings

2 Research on ISO testing methods

Primary research items are as follows:
  • Research on the responsiveness of detection devices to the different types of combustible materials when a fire occurs.
  • Electromagnetic field testing
  • Research on testing the responsiveness of heat detectors
  • Research on fire extinguishing test methods for fire extinguishers
Class A Fire Test with ISO Model Class A Fire Test with ISO Model
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