Message from the president
To begin with, I would like to express my gratitude for the understanding and support for the efforts of the Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute.
Fire prevention systems and their components such as fire extinguishers, fire alarm systems and other components that are the main focus of our work have to activate fully when a fire or an emergency occurs. Since it cannot be predicted when a fire will happen, poor quality or failure of a system is not acceptable.
The Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute is an inspection organization established in 1963 to officially test and inspect fire prevention equipment and systems. Since that time, mandatory inspections (KENTEI), commissioned evaluations (JYUTAKU HYOUKA) and commisioned tests have certified the quality and performance of fire prevention equipment and systems. Additionally, we undertake research concerning the remarkable technological advances in fire prevention equipment of recent years, submit advice on technical matters to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and take part in international efforts such as establishing international standards and accepting trainees from foreign countries. The wide range of JFEII activities is presented in the Institute's publications Kentei Kyokaidayori and Kentei Jiho and on the Institute's Internet homepage. As we enter a new century, the lifestyle and environment of people will bring about more change.
The Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute is working in a variety of ways to develop a still higher level of safety that stays in harmony with these changing times. We hope that the overview presented in the following pages will contribute to deepening your understanding and support of JFEII.
Fire prevention systems and their components such as fire extinguishers, fire alarm systems and other components that are the main focus of our work have to activate fully when a fire or an emergency occurs. Since it cannot be predicted when a fire will happen, poor quality or failure of a system is not acceptable.
The Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute is an inspection organization established in 1963 to officially test and inspect fire prevention equipment and systems. Since that time, mandatory inspections (KENTEI), commissioned evaluations (JYUTAKU HYOUKA) and commisioned tests have certified the quality and performance of fire prevention equipment and systems. Additionally, we undertake research concerning the remarkable technological advances in fire prevention equipment of recent years, submit advice on technical matters to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and take part in international efforts such as establishing international standards and accepting trainees from foreign countries. The wide range of JFEII activities is presented in the Institute's publications Kentei Kyokaidayori and Kentei Jiho and on the Institute's Internet homepage. As we enter a new century, the lifestyle and environment of people will bring about more change.
The Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute is working in a variety of ways to develop a still higher level of safety that stays in harmony with these changing times. We hope that the overview presented in the following pages will contribute to deepening your understanding and support of JFEII.
Yasuhiko Ichihashi